Platinum Membership FAQs

Who is the Platinum Membership physician and how many years has he been in practice?
Dr. Curtis Clifton Chastain has been in practice a total of 25 years. He developed the Executive Wellness Program in 2002 as a secondary practice.

Where is your office located?
7777 Hennessy Blvd, Plaza 1, Suite 101
Baton Rouge, LA  70808

Do you offer any discounts for couples and/or families that join?
There is a discount if you include your spouse or significant other in the combined plan – this plan is called Platinum Membership Plus One.

What is the annual fee for the Platinum Membership?
The annual fee for the Platinum membership is $12,000 for an individual.  The annual fee for a Platinum Membership Plus One is $20,000.

What services are covered by the annual fee?
To view a listing of the Platinum benefit menu, click here.

What additional fees are not included in the annual membership fee?
Cosmetic procedures and special diagnostic tests that are performed inside the clinic are not covered under the annual membership fee, but are offered at additional fee. It is possible that these non-covered tests are covered by your insurance plan.  If so, we will be happy to assist you with filing the appropriate insurance paperwork.

Will I be required to pay even if I do not need to use your services?
Yes – the Platinum Membership requires a flat membership fee.  After you join, all eligible services performed within the clinic are provided at no additional charge.

What services can I expect to receive directly from your nursing staff or other healthcare professionals at the practice each year during my membership?
Routine immunizations, routine blood work, blood pressure checks, prescription refills and online communication are included in these services.

Do you accept insurance? How compatible is your concierge medical practice and services with my health insurance plan?
The Platinum Membership is a pre-paid, cash-only practice. However, if a non-eligible procedure or diagnostic test is medically necessary, we will help you file the appropriate paperwork with your insurance plan.

Do I need insurance to enroll or sign up?
Insurance is not required for membership in the Platinum Membership. However, an insurance plan is highly recommended to take care of any expenses incurred outside of the membership benefits. Many members opt to increase their deductible amount, thus lowering their monthly premiums – the savings is used to offset the cost of the Platinum membership fee.

Is there a co-pay for my office visits?
No co-pays are required.

Will my insurance reimburse my annual fee?
Insurance will not reimburse your annual fee.

What if I need to go to the Emergency Room?
If you have an emergency, please proceed to the Our Lady of the Lake Emergency Room and try to give us a call before your arrival so we can notify the ER doctor in charge before you arrive. This will help expedite the triage process upon your arrival. If you are unsure whether your situation requires a trip to the ER, please call us so we can help you make the decision. 

What if I am admitted to the hospital?
If you require hospitalization, you will be admitted by a Board Certified hospital medicine physician. He/she will manage your care during your entire hospital stay and will be in direct and constant communication with your Platinum physician about your care. Additionally, your Platinum physician will make every effort to visit you while you are in the hospital to check on your status and keep you updated on your condition.

Tell me about after hours care and the physician’s 24/7 availability.
We are available to you 24/7 – period. All you have to do is call our number, and we will assist you with any medical issue you may have. There are many different options available to you if face-to-face medical care is necessary and we will help determine which is best for you.

Can I still see my gynecologist?
While gynecological services are available as a part of your Platinum benefits (routine breast exam, Pap smear, mammogram) we certainly do not wish to interrupt your relationship with your GYN doctor.  That being said, for women who would like to have everything done at once, we can certainly provide those services. 

What about lab, x-ray and specialists’ fees and hospitalizations?
Routine lab and x-rays that are performed within our office are done at no additional charge.  Any “non-routine” testing can be billed to your insurance. Specialist fees and hospitalization costs are the member’s financial responsibility and can be submitted for insurance reimbursement.

How long do in-office visits typically last?
The comprehensive annual exam lasts approximately three hours without a colonoscopy, and five hours if a colonoscopy is performed during the visit. Follow-up visit times vary depending on the type of visit.

Who will perform my colonoscopy?
A Board Certified gastroenterologist from The Digestive Center of Baton Rouge will perform your colonoscopy. The procedure is performed in the endoscopy suite at Our Lady of the Lake. Our team will accompany you to the exam and will retrieve you once the exam has been completed.

How long will I have to wait if I come in for a visit?
There will be minimal, if any, waiting once you arrive at the clinic for a scheduled appointment.  

What about the cost of prescription medicines?
Payment for prescription medicines is the member’s responsibility.

Can I receive text messages from my doctor? What about e-visits on my computer?
We use secure, HIPPA compliant technology to communicate using various devices. WebEx will be used for online virtual visits. Secure texting, SMS and email communication are available as well.  Details about devices and apps will be included in your membership packet.

What if I need to see a medical specialist or need surgery?
We will facilitate a visit to the specialist of your choice for any specialty consultation you may need.  If you need a recommendation of a specialist for your condition, we will be happy to make that recommendation for you and facilitate your appointment scheduling.

What if I need to be seen by a specialist urgently and I cannot get a timely appointment?
As a member of the Platinum Membership, you will be given priority status for urgent referrals to specialty care. We will get you seen by a specialist on the same day or the next business day.

How difficult is it to get an appointment? Do you provide same or next-day visits with the doctor?
For routine medical issues, we can see you the same day, or if it is late in the day, we can see you the next business day. Executive physicals will be scheduled based on availability, but we will try to be flexible with your schedule.

What happens if I move out of the area after I enroll?
You can continue to use your membership benefits for as long as you wish, even if you live outside of our immediate area.

Can I enroll in the Platinum Membership anytime in the future?
Yes – however, the membership will be closed once we reach 50 members. We will establish a waiting list and take new members on a first come, first served basis.

Can I use a Health Savings Account to help offset the cost of my Platinum membership fee?
Absolutely – we will provide you with a receipt for qualified medical expenses that you incur as part of your medical care. Examples include lab fees, x-ray fees and professional fees.

How do I enroll?
If you have questions or would like to enroll in Our Lady of the Lake's Platinum Membership, please call Jennifer Cummins at (225) 765-7696.