Children’s Hospital offers rare hip surgery

Until recently, a Louisiana teen requiring surgery for hip dysplasia had to travel outside the state for treatment.

That was until John Faust, MD, joined the staff at Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Health.

Dr. Faust is the only orthopedic surgeon in Louisiana who performs a procedure on teens called peri-acetabular osteotomy, or a Ganz Osteotomy. The surgery alleviates the pain and removes physical limitations associated with hip dysplasia. For active teens it can be a life-changer.
The surgery involves reorienting the femur with the hip socket so its in ideal alignment. After surgery patients complete about six months of physical therapy and usually return to their regular athletic regimen within nine months.

Dr. Faust honed his surgical skills during his fellowship at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite, recognized as one of the top children’s orthopedic programs in America by U.S. News & World Report.