Online Bill Pay

At Our Lady of the Lake, we are privileged to care for you. Our top priority is always our relationship with you and your experience when receiving our services.

We understand that healthcare billing can sometimes be confusing and frustrating. You will now receive a single billing document, whether you received care at one of our physician clinics, one of our hospitals or any combination.

The consolidated bill includes charges for Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady physicians, clinics or hospital services only. For lab work, X-rays or other physician care included in your treatment by independent providers and not part of our healthcare system, you will receive statements directly from these providers.

While we continue to streamline our billing services, you may receive bills that look different. Bills may come from Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center, Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System, or a combination of the two. These are not duplicate bills. They only may look different because of the date on which you received services.

For online bill pay, we have created a simple way for you pay. Find the photo of what your bill looks like below, and click to pay online.

Thank you for entrusting us with your care. If you would like to call us and pay your bill over the phone, we are available at 1-855-435-1426. 

Does your bill look like this? Click here to sign into MyChart and pay your bill.

Don't have a MyChart account? Click here to pay as a guest.


Does your bill look like this? Please call (855) 435-1426
